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PCOD Importance

Hello all. Today I’m going to mention about some yogasanas that are beneficial in PCOD /menstrual irregularities. As discussed in last post , as PCOD is because of obesity , faulty eating habits , exercise that will cause sweating is required on a regular basis . The above asanas can be done on a regular basis which have a beneficial effect on pelvic organs , specifically ovaries which are increased in size in PCOD. Each asana mentioned above is having effect on pelvic organs which increases blood flow to pelvic organs , increases the tone of pelvic muscles and some improvement in PCOD symptoms.
Dhanurasana (bow pose), bhujangasana (cobra pose), surya namaskar (sun salutation), naukasana and butterfly pose are some of the asanas.
If done regularly , they will help in releiving stress which is one factor for hormonal imbalance . Improvement in tone of pelvic muscles and back muscles will improve insulin resistance and decrease the level of insulin which is highly responsible for increase in ovarian size in PCOD.
So let’s start planning for eradication of PCOD which is lifestyle disorder and can be reversed by weight loss, regular exercise and healthy diet.

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